Friday, October 02, 2009

Typhoons and floods

Just a very quick note to tell you all that Vung Tau has escaped any particularly bad weather related to Typhoon Ketsana (see example local English press story). We did have some very heavy rain and storms the other night lasting for some hours and for a few days we experienced quite strong winds on the seafront, e.g. at Front Beach.

However, we are fortunate in our location as Vung Tau is seldom inflicted with typhoons, whereas the centre of Vietnam routinely suffers storms and has flooding every year, and typhoons also more often hit shore in the Mekong delta. Our typhoon warning last year (see the storm that wasn't) was a precaution following the very unusual event two years earlier when a typhoon did come on shore in our vicinity. On that occasion people were a) not prepared for it and b) didn't believe it would happen. The latter is what led to fatalities here :( because some people went out along the beaches for their regular exercise early in the morning and were drowned.

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